We weren’t even three shots into the session and one of the girls says, “oh my gosh we can’t start crying already!” I literally felt the tears fill up my eyes and thought, gosh I hope these girls realize just how lucky they are to have each other. I mean it’s DEFINTELY not everyday that you schedule a portrait session with your best friends because you want to remember all the fun years together.
In today’s world, with ever growing social media platforms, I’m sure sticking to the same group of friends can be quite a challenge. Especially when you’re a girl! Let’s face it, not all girls are nice! It was hard when I was growing up and we didn’t have the world watching every move we made on Instagram or SnapChat.
These four girls have been friends forever! Maybe that sounds cliche, but really they have! Since Kindergarten! And now, for the first time, they are splitting up and going to different high schools. So what better way to close one chapter than have a portrait session, at school, where you’ve spent the last 9 years together!
This session was so much fun! Not just because of the type of session but because these girls really just had fun with each other and were excited to have one last memory! Even though portrait session are only two hours long, you really do start to feel like you know their personalities. They were each so sweet to work with and so easy going.
Girls, I wish each you all the success, and fun, high school can bring. But most of all, I hope high school brings you four more years of lifelong memories together! Even though you’ll be at separate schools, you’ll still have each other no matter what! Thank you for such a fun session! And think, how fun would this be when you’re all graduating!
Have a great summer!
June 24, 2020